Monday, April 20, 2009


I got paid last week. Happens around here on the 1st & 15th. My wife gets her dough from some clients on the 1st, others every week, it varies with her dog walking business. We use what she makes to live on, buy groceries while my paychecks cover bills like mortgage, ect. I was wondering if those athletes pulling down the huge coin go through similar routines on payday, just on a higher scale. I imagine the Woods' household on the 1st of the month when that 8.5 million dollar check from Nike hit's the automatic deposit. Does Tiger wake up, log onto his banking website with the user name "ownearth" and his "19Majors" password to verify the cash has hit? Does he yell to his wife, "Elin, the money's in the bank, it's okay to order that new Space Shuttle"! During the regular season, Peyton Manning draws a gross of about 2.7 million per month. After he logs on with user name "rocketarm" and password "cutthatmeat" is there a conversation with wife Ashley about it being a good time to book that private yacht for their February cruise through the Mediterranean? In my house we get excited about the new $149 deal on my wife's new IPOD. Just a thought about how the truly rich live and deal with their financial situation.
As for winning those Monty Python Spamalot tickets. Here's the question. E-mail the correct answer to to get in the drawing. We will likely see Ben Davis play the part of Sir Dennis whose character is described as "The most handsome knight once you clean all the S**T off him". In the original movie, "Monty Python & the Holy Grail", who played this role. Good Luck

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