Tuesday, February 17, 2009

BUD & ALEX by Tannen

So Bud Selig doesn't want blame for the steroid era. Alex Rodriguez was too young and naive to understand what he was putting in his body. Look, as American sports fans we're forgiving and desperate for our big guns to be legit, but at this point we need to wake the heck up. Selig claiming any level of being innocent is like the Bush Administration taking no responsibility for the economic mess we're in. It's not 100% at fault, but these guys held the presidency for crying all night. Bud is the top guy in baseball and his claim he tried for more stringent testing or policies but was stonewalled by the union is laughable. I follow baseball pretty closely and don't recall any big battles with MLBPA boss Don Fehr or quotes about steroids being dangerous or entrenched in the game. He's a lying scumbag trying to cover his sorry butt. As for Arod's news conference today, I watched the first 7-8 minutes or so then realized he's a lying cheater and nothing he says carries any water. Here's a novel concept Alex, how about getting a hit in October that actually matters. His claim about youth and ignorance is laughable because his Texas years, the supposed time he juiced he was 25, 26 and 27 and had already been in the big leagues 6 full seasons. I'm not buying any of it, period!

1 comment:

Kurt in Eug said...

A-Roid is like all spoiled athletes that have been pampered since youth and have never had to be held accountable for anything they did wrong. He doesn't know any other way. He thinks putting his tail between his legs is highly commendable, and all his errors will be forgiven and forgotten.